Printed Catalogs are discontinued (rare)

Mayco Literature

Mayco Literature

Literature, price lists, links to downloadable catalogs and color guides.

Mayco Stroke-Coat-Brochure

Mayco Foundations Catalog

Mayco Elements Catalog

Mayco Jungle-Gems Catalog

Mayco Acrylics Catalog

Mayco Fundamentals Underglazes Catalog

[pdf] Mayco and Duncan product order form 2024 3.1M

Download the catalogs and order forms as .pdf files for free! 

CERAMICS 101 BOOKMayco's 20 year old book on how to do ceramics!!  Download Here

[pdf]  Duncan Design Selection Guide 9.2 Meg

[pdf] Duncan/Mayco 2019 color Selection guide 12M

[pdf]  Duncan 2003 Mold Catalog   17 Meg!

Duncan stopped production, this means is that many products will go in and out of stock. If you need a particular color, and see it here, order it NOW! We are going to display our inventory qty on this website so you can decide what to order better.  See Mayco’s list of the priority Duncan Items it intends to  produce. 

Download the "Best of Duncan" Palette   

And this hastily written..
Download the Duncan to Mayco Conversion Chart